The 2022 Initiative Foundation is a non-profit foundation that aims accelerate a sustainable development in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda, adopted by the UN in 2015 and to stimulate the co-creation of such development. The foundation has Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC & is accredited to UNEP and it was instrumental in the Swedish Government’s decision to propose the Stockholm+50 UN Conference in June 2022. Click here to read “The real story behind Stockholm+50”
UN Sustainable Development GoalsWHY 2022?
To accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and to hold today’s leaders accountable, we need milestones and Interim Targets. The year 2022 is halfway to 2030 since 2015 and the agreement on the 2030 Agenda and the Climate Agreement.
2022 is also the 50th Anniversary of United Nations Conference on Human Environment, held in Stockholm in 1972, the world’s first UN conference on sustainable development, and 50 years since the formation of UNEP, today UN Environment.

In the Sustainability Games everyone is a winner – A competition in Best for the World.
A healthy competition can drive new solutions, but not always and all the time. We don’t want to create a society of winners and losers. Through constructive collaboration we achieve true results that make the world a better place for all of us.
We have the solutions and we need action NOW. Why wait until 2030? Join us the the 2022 Initiative and the first Sustainability Games in 2022!
Join Us In Accelerated Action for Sustainable Development!

Listen to Save The World by Jarvis Smith and contribute to saving the world a little bit!
Click here to whach the video on YouTube (also available on Spotify and other platforms)

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity that we can’t miss!
Only One Planet was the theme of the Stockholm Conference in 1972. After 50 years of global environmental work our one & only planet is in severe crises caused by humans having a consistent negative already impact today and even more in the future – if we don’t ACT NOW.
We need BOLD and COURAGEOUS ACTION for systematic change NOW. In spite of 50 years of global environmental work and four years of children and youths in school strikes every Friday around the world to get action from governments, there is VERY LITTLE action.
There is no business on a dead planet so business leaders need to think long-term. How can leaders from business support Fridays For Future and all children and youth to get action from governments? We know we have the solutions, so we just need to get into action.
To a large estent thanks to support from the Swedish Institute (SI) and other partners, we managed to bring around 20 children and youths from Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Together with youths from the Youth Task Force they contributed to increasing the demand for BOLD ACTIONS from delegates at the conference.
After the conference we continue our collaboration and to drive leaders to go from just words to solid action, with activities coming up in relation for example COP27.
2022 needs to be a game-changer for the environment. It’s 50 years after the Stockholm Conference and the formation of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the world is in the middle of several crises. The latest IPCC Report shows clearly that we need to see systems changes and action NOW. Throughout the year in 2022 world leaders will gather in several UN meetings, culminating with the Stockholm 50 UN conference 2-3 of June 2022. This will open new pathways to build hope for the next generations. It’s NOW or never.
To make 2022 the game-changer it needs to be, we invite you to partner with us!
To reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 we need to speed up!
The year 2030 is too far away to create a sense of urgency, drive and engagement
already today in society at large.
2022 is halfway to 2030 since 2015 and the agreement on Agenda 2030 and the Climate Agreement in Paris.
2022 will also mark the 50 year Anniversary since the Stockholm Conference, the first UN Conference on sustianable development, and the decision on UN Environment (UNEP), and also Rio 30.
To contribute to accelerated action and co-creation we arrange a series of dialogue meetings focusing on action NOW and come as far as possible by 2022.
Join us in a series of dialogue meetings for co-creation and accelerated action in relation to the Earth’s environmental future and upcoming UN meetings.
During the Swedish Democracy Week “Almedalen Week” we will arrange five dialogue meetings. The meetings are part of a series of dialogue meetings aiming at increasing the impact of the Stockholm 50 UN Conference and how we all, “We the Peoples”, can engage to accelerate action now, to reach as close as possible to halfway in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda by June 2022. Click on the links below for more information and registration.
Click here for a catch up from previous Dialogue Meetings

Sustainability Games & Conferences 2022, 2026, 2030 and so on…
– Every four years, just like the Olympics or World Championships
– Local event, around the world, connected digitally for “glocal” sustainability
How let go of the silos and work together as humans?

We need to work together, as humans, to achieve SDGs.
By adding wellbeing we can more easily see how sustainability relates to the individual.
Opportunities and insights
Click here for insights from our latest dialogue meeting.
It’s the Decade of Action.
In 2022 we are halfway in the 2030 Agenda.
So, it’s Time for Action NOW!
Contact us for dialogue meetings or
become a partner now!
Join us as partners!
Co-creating sustainability
For concrete action on the SDGs we need to include milestones! – We all need a BOLD VISION & concrete Actionable Targets for 2022 and yearly follow-ups until 2030. We also need to take the Global Goals to the local level. We’re planning for local conferences around the world, connected globally. This is particularly important in a pandemic! Check out how below and join us!
Check out Partnership Opportunities here!DOWNLOAD OUR FLYER HEREDONATE TO SUPPORT OUR WORK! (EUR)DONATE TO SUPPORT OUR WORK! (in SEK)UNEP@50 Side Event Concluded
Our UNEP@50 Side Event began with an exciting array of speakers and an ambitious dream. We had a wonderful time opening this dialogue with you, working together to achieve a[…]
Read moreHelp us build this UNEP@50 Side Event into a Global Phenomenon
Meeting the 2030 Agenda within the Planetary Boundaries A celebration of UNEPs 50th Anniversary When: 3 March at 5 PM EAT/ 3 PM CETWhere: Hybrid in Nairobi and on Zoom[…]
Read moreStockholm+49 Summit – on the Pathway to Stockholm+50
On October 20 and 21, world-renowned scientists, economists, lawyers, activists, and diplomats will discuss possible legal and governance solutions to the environmental crisis.
2022 needs to be a game-changer for the environment. Throughout this year, governments will adopt a Declaration that will need to open a new pathway that can build hope for the next generations.
Speakers will include Inger Andersen (Director General of UNEP), Johan Rockström (Director Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Laurent Fabius (Former Chair of COP 21), Maria Fernanda Espinosa (President of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly), Izabella Teixeira (former Minister of Environment of Brazil), David R. Boyd (UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Environment) and James Alix Michel (former President of the Seychelles).”
Link: https://media.2022initiative.org/2021/10/Program-Brochure-S49-Summit_Draft_Oct-01-2021.pdf
Read moreAgenda 2030 – Hur kan Sverige ta ledartröjan internationellt i Agenda 2030, inför Stockholm+50?
Wednesday 7 July 12-2 PM CEST (in Swedish
Event Link: https://program.almedalsveckan.info/event/view/62214
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/hurkansverigetaledartr-janiagen6816433011148513280/
Facebook: https://fb.me/e/12NAEhkmY
Read moreHow can we create societies where we live in harmony with nature & leave no one behind?
Tuesday, 6 July: 12-2 PM CEST (in English)
Event Link: https://program.almedalsveckan.info/event/view/61545
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/2030agenda-howcanweliveinharmon6816408974401777664/
Facebook: https://fb.me/e/17CzyTjjJ
Read moreAgenda 2030 – Hur skapar vi samhällen där vi lever i samklang med naturen och ingen lämnas utanför?
Tuesday, 6 July: 9-11 AM CEST (in Swedish)
Event Link: https://program.almedalsveckan.info/event/view/62205
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/hurskapasamh-llend-rvileverisam6816400554315550720/
Facebook: https://fb.me/e/E9DP99LA
Read moreSustainability by Nature
Inspired by and in collaboration with Goodwill Ambassador, Jon Henrik Fjällgren
“Sustainability by Nature” fokuserar på mål 3 om hälsa och välmående, mål 4, god utbildning för alla, mål 5 om jämställdhet, mål 10 om allas lika värde, mål 13 om klimatet, mål 14: liv i havet, mål 15: liv på land, mål 16: fredliga och inkluderande samhällen och mål 17: partnerskap för genomförandet.
Support the project through Swish: 123 649 35 22 or click below for PayPal.
2022 Initiative Foundation
The 2022 Initiative Foundation is formed with the purpose to engage support and resources towards a sustainable world. The Foundation’s resources are going to support sustainable development from a holistic point of view including social, economical and ecological aspects. In particular the 2022 Initiative Foundation is supporting cross-boundary collaborations, between disciplines, sectors of society, generations and actors from business, academia, grass root and public sector. Our base is Sweden but as our challenges are global we welcome international solutions.
The 2022 Initiative: The founders’ vision (Video)All your innovation resources in one place
2022 Initiative is the hub for sustainable innovation and creative collaboration. We will connect you to the best collaborators available in order to create a constellation of partners, capital and resources.
We already have the solutions and there are plenty of good tools and methods for integrating sustainability in any organization. We have everything to win and nothing to lose by reaching the Global Goals faster. So, why wait? Join us in speeding up the process!

Helena Lindemark
Founder and President
Business is a vital partner in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals because it is the engine and the transformator in the world. However, to do the transformation, we need to put the SDGs in the core of the business strategy. I truly believe that companies and leaders that proactively make sustainability the core of their business strategy will drive innovation and will be the winners of tomorrows economy!

Eva Vati
Advisory Board Member
2022 Initiative is a signal to catalyse the regenerative economy, just in time. To celebrate our victories and learn from our mistakes in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, together as humanity, beyond the traditional boundaries and silos.

Rishab Khanna
Board Member
It’s not about the solutions, but the way.
Honestly, we know already what needs to be done. Another list won’t cut it. We need to start on the journey of how to proceed. We are currently planning the first 2022 Initiative kick off event. We want to get in touch with absolutely everyone who are interested in taking responsibility for a positive, sustainable and prosperous change. Let’s bridge gaps, cross borders and lower the barriers, within Sweden and beyond. At some point the idea of sustainability just got too boring and limiting, when it should be fun and hopeful. And very much needed. The 2022 Initiative is not another tedious conference but is all about the HOW. Do join in! Send us an email through the button below and add your organisation, company, NGO, governmental branch or yourself to the growing list of 2022 Initiative participants.

The 2022 Initiative is about action
Let’s imagine a country like Sweden. With all its resources and talented people. Even garnished with a touch of Jante. Let’s say they would use their collective brain power to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. For good. For the sake of humanity and prosperity. Fortunately, this is no longer wishful thinking. We are unleashing Sweden’s sustainable innovation power. Today.

Co-creative innovation the fun way
We believe we don’t need another list of what we need to do to achieve sustainability. Neither should it be boring and limiting but fun, creative, collaborative and most of all going for real results. Let’s go!

Sustaining competitive advantage through sustainable innovation
Sweden can do it. Sweden has every chance to lead the way globally and take the lead on sustainable innovation. 2022 Initiative is the hub.
Jan Eliasson welcomes 2022 Initiative
Jan Eliasson, a Swedish diplomat, former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, welcomes the initiative at the political week at Almedalen, Visby, July 2017 (in Swedish with subtitles in English).
Check out the video!
Image tribute to: Daniel Holking / WaterAid Sverige
[CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
We are the team
We are people from different walks of life, passionate about contributing to a positive change for the world. The United Nations 17 goals for sustainable development we believe is a wonderful start. But obviously goals are one thing and actually doing it is another. We believe these goals need to be turned into sustainable innovation and that we need yearly milestones and short-term actions NOW. In 2022 we’re halfway to 2030 since 2015, but not in the implementation. Do join us in accelerated action!
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is also being extended to include both Swedish and International Ambassadors and expertise. The Advisory Board currently includes:

Anders Wijkman
Co-President of the Club of Rome

Eva Vati
CEO & Founder, VATI of Sweden, Board of Directors Ideon Innovation, Business Mentor SDSN Youth

Daniel Dellham
H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf’s Foundation for Young Leadership & Deedster

Kristin Pålsson
Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden, Board member UN Global Compact

Björn Fondén
Strategic Business Advisor, Sustainability, Grant Thornton, Youth Delegate to the UN 2017

Åsa Minoz
Head of Communications, Viable Cities

Prof. Pontus Braunerhjelm
Research Director, Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Malin Dahlberg Markstedt
Manager, Save the Children Sweden, Corporate sustainable development/ Children’s Rights in business operations

Östen Ekengren
Deputy CEO, IVL
Engage with the 2022 Initiative:
Make a pledge of actionable targets for 2022 via our Contact form below
Become a partner, including the possibility to upload logo for website – after having set actionable targets.
Click here for more information.
Donate 2022 SEK, 222SEK, 22SEK or any amount. Donate here with PayPal or see other options below