Be the Change
May 31st – June 5th 2022
31st – 5th
Join us
Save the World
Listen to the track that is raising funds for Fridays for the Future Mosta Affected People and Areas (FFF MAPA) Youth. The more times we play, the more money we raise!

About the Event
Only One Planet was the theme of the Stockholm Conference in 1972. After 50 years of global environmental work our one & only planet is in severe crises caused by humans having a consistent negative already impact today and even more in the future – if we don’t ACT NOW.
We need BOLD and COURAGEOUS ACTION for systematic change NOW. In spite of 50 years of global environmental work and four years of children and youths in school strikes every Friday around the world to get action from governments, there is VERY LITTLE action.
There is no business on a dead planet so business leaders need to think long-term. How can leaders from business support Fridays For Future and all children and youth to get action from governments? We know we have the solutions, so we just need to get into action. Join us by leading the way in setting Moonshot pledges and committing to BOLD ACTIONS to be followed up in 3 – 6 months’ time, and to drive delegates and leaders to go from just words to solid action at Stockholm 50.
Time to get involved!
Inspiration for New Hope! Stockholm+5 (Action Now 2027)
Interviews, videos, sessions
Virtual Exhibition
Imaginal World Record in Clothes Swap
Swop a Sweather, reduce 82% of Co2!
Save the World Cover – Follow the Journey
Social Media
Swop a Sweather
Setting the Imaginal World Record
Imaginal World Record is an enabler for sustainable world records. The imaginal world records are designed to be inclusive and easy to enable, and each time there is an attempt to break the record, local or global, it is doing good for our planet and societies. The imaginal records are encouraged to be broken as many times as possible.
Clothes swapped!

Inspiration for
“New Hope” Stockholm+5
(Action Now 2027)
The purpose is to activate people to participate and think about how they can be a part of a sustainable future. Future thinking especially in developing positive and inspirational futures is all of our responsibility. Anyone and all can explore ways to write themselves in the story of sustaining our planet.
The first step is to challenge assumptions about the future. Then focus on imagination. Broaden the perspective by asking “what if”-questions to explore an inspirational, sustainable future. Finally, consider how to take action and responsibility for desired future outcomes. It is to encourage change-making in each individual and team.
We will every day launch a video on a person who is a part of the “New Hope” and is a changemaker for an inspirational future.
These videos will be uploaded (as youtube videos) to 2022 Initiative foundations virtual exhibition. These videos can then be viewed and voted on.
We will have developed follow-ups 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after the first discussion. In these follow-ups, each person will give a 3-5min video on progress and key learnings. Om 5th June 2023, there will be a celebration on the positive, inspirational progress and impact.
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